MEMBER PASSESWatch video on how to Sign up for your Member Pass
Pool Access and Passes
This season all members will be required to have a pass to gain entry to the pool. We have contracted with the website to produce the passes. The basic process is that we will send the website a complete list of members who are current on dues and the website will send each active member a link to login into their site. Once logged in, members will be prompted to confirm the accuracy of information and upload a photo for each family member. When finished, the website company will mail the membership cards to your house. The process is simple but it will take approximately 2-3 days for you to receive your pass in the mail - a short video is available to watch above, or on the YouTube link
A few other important items:
A few other important items:
- Passes will only be required for members age 3 and older
- Youth/Child passes will be issued to members under age 11. Youth members will not be allowed access unless accompanied by a guardian or caregiver in accordance with the by-laws.
- The first pass for each member is free. There will be a charge of $5 for each replacement card.
Caregiver Passes, Guest Passes, and Snack Shack Cards
We will utilize the same website to issue caregiver passes, guest passes, and snack shack cards this season.
- Caregiver Passes: Each member family will be able to request one caregiver pass for the season. You may issue the pass to one caregiver and that person must be at least 14 years of age and must be accompanying your youth members with valid passes. A caregiver pass may not be utilized in lieu of a guest pass when adult family members are present.
- Guest Passes: These passes will be formatted as a 10-punch card which may be purchased on the same website for $40. Youth guests are one punch and adult guests are two punches. We will allow members to pay cash for guests when arriving at the pool, but the punch cards offer a 20% discount in price. Also, punch cards will not expire at the end of this season and may be saved for next year.